vintage, varia, crafts and curiosities

Hamburg, Deutschland

Ankündigung    Moin, hello and welcome to "SAILORandTAILOR".
We are Steffi and Martin.
By the way, our choosen name „SAILORandTAILOR“ is true only for one half.
Steffi is a trained tailor and costume-patternmaker since 30 years - give or take a month.
Martin is no sailor at all, he is a Cameraman working with pictures and wood, but hey......
…..Tailor and Picture create no rhyme!
We run a small workshop gallery based in the port city of Hamburg and therefore we borrowed the imaginary "SAILOR" who provides the little rhyme in „SAILORandTAILOR“.
Everything you can find with us is either handmade, upcycled, refurbished, vintage or antique.
As wholehearted makers and treasure hunters we love craftsmanship, it doesn´t necessarily have to be our own.
Sometimes we find treasures that are worth mending, refurbishing or bringing back to life in unexpected ways (e.g. vintage knitted cashmere jumpers into cuffs, driftwood into wardrobes and sometimes it´s simply all about a „Beautyful Repair“.

If you ever happen to visit Hamburg, you are heartly welcome to our small workshop gallery, meet one of us in person and view our portfolio 1to1.


Zuletzt aktualisiert am 25. Jul 2018

Moin, hello and welcome to "SAILORandTAILOR".
We are Steffi and Martin.
By the way, our choosen name „SAILORandTAILOR“ is true only for one half.
Steffi is a trained tailor and costume-patternmaker since 30 years - give or take a month.
Martin is no sailor at all, he is a Cameraman working with pictures and wood, but hey......
…..Tailor and Picture create no rhyme!
We run a small workshop gallery based in the port city of Hamburg and therefore we borrowed the imaginary "SAILOR" who provides the little rhyme in „SAILORandTAILOR“.
Everything you can find with us is either handmade, upcycled, refurbished, vintage or antique.
As wholehearted makers and treasure hunters we love craftsmanship, it doesn´t necessarily have to be our own.
Sometimes we find treasures that are worth mending, refurbishing or bringing back to life in unexpected ways (e.g. vintage knitted cashmere jumpers into cuffs, driftwood into wardrobes and sometimes it´s simply all about a „Beautyful Repair“.

If you ever happen to visit Hamburg, you are heartly welcome to our small workshop gallery, meet one of us in person and view our portfolio 1to1.

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Martin und Stephanie

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Martin und Stephanie


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Zuletzt aktualisiert am 30. Aug 2023


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Zuletzt aktualisiert am 02. Dez 2023


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