
Einzigartige Schmuckaufbewahrung und Designobjekte

Meinsdorf, Brandenburg
| 6.007 Verkäufe | 5 von 5 Sternen 5 von 5 Sternen

Reibungsloser Versand

Hat bisher immer pünktlich und mit Tracking verschickt.

Schnelle Antworten

Hat bisher immer schnell auf Nachrichten geantwortet.

Begeisterte Bewertungen

Durchschnittliche Bewertung ist 4,8 oder höher.

Ankündigung    Hello and welcome!
We are making our products by hand in Germany. Overseas shipping times to the U.S. and Canada are mostly back to normal but parcels to Australia and New Zealand are still transported partly by sea and take very long. Many thanks for your patience!


Zuletzt aktualisiert am 12. Feb 2022

Hello and welcome!
We are making our products by hand in Germany. Overseas shipping times to the U.S. and Canada are mostly back to normal but parcels to Australia and New Zealand are still transported partly by sea and take very long. Many thanks for your patience!

6007 Verkäufe

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Durchschnittliche Produktbewertung
5 von 5 Sternen
Wird geladen

Shop-Profil von arboralaOriginals

Verkäufe 6.007
Auf Etsy seit 2015

Über mich


  • Paula

    Inhaber, Hersteller, Kundenservice

    Born 1977 in Berlin, Germany, mother of two children, Master in Scandinavian Studies, worked as development aid project manager and sales manager for a manufacturer of wooden playground equipment and now I'm a mixture of designer and artisan. :)


Zuletzt aktualisiert am 29. Jul 2022


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Zoll- und Einfuhrgebühren

Käufer sind für eventuell anfallende Zoll- oder Einfuhrgebühren verantwortlich. Ich bin nicht für Verzögerungen verantwortlich, die durch den Zoll entstehen.


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Siehe Artikeldetails für Rückgabe- und Umtauschrechte.


Stornierungen: akzeptiert

Stornierung anfordern: innerhalb von 1 Stunde nach dem Kauf


AGB & Widerrufsbelehrung

Für die außergerichtliche Einigung bei Verbraucherstreitigkeiten hat die Europäische Union eine Online-Plattform ("Online-Streitbeilegungsplattform") eingerichtet:

Weitere Informationen

Zuletzt aktualisiert am 07. Nov 2023

Häufig gestellte Fragen

Gift wrapping and packaging

If you choose this option when checking out, we will gift wrap your order with kraft paper and include a nice laser engraved wooden gift tag. For the text please leave a short gift message. Longer texts will be printed on thicker color paper.

If you mark your order as a gift, we will not include an invoice inside the parcel. If it's required for customs processing (that's all countries except European Union), we must attach the invoice on the outside of the parcel.

Write us a message if you have questions, we will get back to you! :)

Why are shipping times to Australia and New Zealand so long?

There is not enough air shipping capacity since so many flight routes are cancelled due to the pandemic. That's why most parcels are transported by sea, either completely or at least part of the way. This takes considerably longer than normal.
In addition, local postal services are often under heavy stress from higher than normal online ordering and from health restrictions, which can further delay delivery.

However, all our parcels to Australia and New Zealand have tracking and you'll get the tracking number as soon as I dispatch your order.

Many thanks for your understanding and stay safe!


Is my order trackable?

Yes, we offer end-to-end tracking for many destination countries and you'll receive the tracking number as soon as I dispatch your order:

Here are some of countries where tracking is available:

European Union (excluding Bulgaria, Cyprus)
New Zealand
South Korea
United Kingdom
United States

If your country is not listed, write us a quick message and we'll check whether we can offer end-to-end tracking for your destination!


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